I confessed to the Bible study class this morning that I have been distracted with stuff this last week. Moving all the worldly possessions from storage to the Blair's garage was a challenge. Then came the sale....
You know that many larger items went fast to make room for the piles of boxes to come thanks to the Internet. There were other things which friends and neighbors were interested in buying as they lay in the driveway.
I looked forward to making progress not in financial gain but in reaching the goal of minimizing what goes overseas with us more than anything. As the sun rose on our sale though I was reminded that I am a missionary and began to think of ways to share the gospel with those who showed up looking for new lamps and used socks.
I trust that Christ is honored when we seek to glorify Him. His glory became a primary goal throughout the day. Nearly everyone had the opportunity to hear that there is a way to enjoy a relationship with the Savior. Others were encouraged in their faith. I know I was as well. Many individuals offered prayer support to me and my family. This is what we seek.
Please continue to pray that my priorities will be in the right place as I guide my family through this transition.
In His Service,