


Preschool & Grace

Grace started attending a Czech preschool at the end of November! The first week or so was a bit rough for her, but things have gotten much better. And we are all glad about that! She was so excited to start going to school like a big girl. Picking her up after the first day was so hard because she just seemed crushed. She told me that she wanted to be a parent so she didn't have to go to school anymore and that she "didn't never want to go back to that school again!" We knew that it might be a hard transition for her. We are incredibly thankful that it only took about a week (3 school days) for her to decide she might stick around ;) The turning point for her came on her 4th day - Friday, December 4th - when the Czech Santa Claus (Mikulash) and his angel visited the school and gave her a bag of candy, fruit, and nuts (and a piece of coal!) Apparently, all the children were well-behaved that day as they all know the threat that usually comes along with Mikulash. Thankfully, his devil did not come to the school, but I'm pretty sure all the children know about him and are afraid! This was good for Grace because none of the children who had bothered her before messed with her on this day :) After 3 weeks now, she no longer complains about going to school!

This first picture is Grace showing off her cute school uniform outside our apartment door. The second is just inside the gate to our complex. I think she was wondering just how many pictures Daddy was going to take before letting her go to school! The pants are not part of the uniform but it's cold here ;)

Tomorrow, Grace will be a sheep in the children's play at church! All the kids in her class made sheep masks during class last week and practiced with the other children. She has made a good friend at church and we had the opportunity to visit this family's home for dinner last week. It is so amazing to watch two children who don't speak the same language play together! We are hoping that having Grace in school will help her learn the language more quickly. She is always amazing us and we can't believe what a big girl she is already!


Happy Thanksgiving!

We have so much to be thankful for this year - as we do every year!

Most importantly, we are thankful that God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to die for our sins because, no matter how "good" we are, there is no way to make our sins right in the eyes of a perfect, sinless God. We are grateful for God's love and mercy; His sovereignty in our lives and His calling for us.

We are also thankful for our family! God has given us 2 sweet angels and they are a joy as well as a reminder that we are to portray Christ at ALL times. We are grateful for the love and support given by our grandparents, parents and siblings and we are blessed to know that all of them follow Jesus! And we are grateful for the technology that allows us to talk with and see them on a regular basis. In the not too distant past, those living overseas could only afford 5 minute phone calls once or twice a year and relied mainly on letters which took at least a month to make the journey. What an incredible age we live in!

We are grateful for those who partner with us in prayer - for our family, for the Czechs, for our ministry here and for the openness of those we meet. We could not be here without your support and intercession with the Father! We are grateful for those who sacrificially give to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering, which provides the bulk of our financial support and allows to live here without having to raise support or have full-time jobs other than reaching those who are lost.

We thank the Lord for the people we have met here in Prague and the relationships that have begun with neighbors, teachers, students, fellow believers, and the one young man from the metro! We are grateful for our team here and their support.

Also, we are very grateful for the care packages we have received. It is always a blessing to find that little slip of paper in our mailbox stating that we have a package at the post office! And being able to receive some items that we just can't find here but can use and enjoy is wonderful!!!

I'm sure there are many more things for which we are thankful, so if I've left something out...please know that we are thankful for that too! Lastly, we are thankful to have found everything we need to have a traditional Thanksgiving dinner and the neighbors who are coming to enjoy it with us!

We love you all and wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving!



First of all, I wanted to let everyone know that I have been feeling really well lately. I am supposed to go for a follow-up visit to another doctor whom I had originally seen for a second opinion. The doctors would also like to do some vision & hearing tests to have a baseline for me. After all this, I should receive more direction from the doctor in VA. Thank you for your continued prayers for me and for our family as well as the doctors! Now, on to the fun stuff...

We have been enjoying more time with the girls while adjusting to yet another new schedule. This new schedule is the result of a major change in our language lessons, but we are excited to find more creative ways to learn Czech and to be involved in the community!

The girls are growing so quickly! Ella is nearly 16 months old and I really believe that the first 16 months of Grace's life went by a little more slowly. Grace is already 3 and is so much fun. Both girls are little monkeys and can be found climbing all over Grace's bed, the couches, kid's stools and table - basically anything climbable (is that a word?)! We are still working on teaching Ella that she is not allowed to climb from the couch to the tall blanket-storage chest to the window sill. Anytime she makes it all the way there, she just looks at us with the biggest grin like she is so proud of herself. What a nut!

A couple of weeks ago we enjoyed taking the girls to the circus for the first time. We were a little concerned that Ella may not sit through the performances (especially when we got there and learned that it was 2.5 hours), but this company did a terrific job keeping things interesting! Our tickets were on the front row and both girls were completely enthralled by all the animals, clowns, and dancers. It was such a joy for us to see them enjoy something so much! A couple of days later, we went with several friends to a nearby town to buy pumpkins. The small farm we visited had a pony to ride, toys to play with, plenty of hot, delicious food, and lots of pumpkins, squash, and other gourds. Grace picked out a couple of small pumpkins for Ella and herself as well as some fun-colored gourds. Philip and I were thrilled to find spaghetti squash and make a terrific casserole recipe I found online a few years ago - yummy!

This weekend, Philip and I each had some one-on-one time out with Grace. She loves her sister like crazy, but we can tell she's getting more competitive for attention. We do try to do special "big girl only" things with her when Ella is napping, and hope that getting to go out with us will encourage her to be the "big girl" even when she thinks acting like a baby is the best way to get attention.

All in all, the last couple of weeks have been busy but wonderful! Oh, and we are still eating the same turkey! There is only a couple of sandwiches worth and some leftover turkey casserole left before it is all gone :) This includes have a friend over twice and giving some away to another family! We are certainly grateful that God has provided such good food that we can cook at home and that we have the time to cook it!




English Night

Opportunities to practice the language we know continue. Lisa worked with Jana yesterday. Tonight is the English Club at Starbucks, and there will be a kids club beginning at the end of the month.

HOWEVER, I was told today that I should work harder to learn Czech. WOW! The shop keeper did have an idea to assist me in this thankfully. I was invited to run with a group leaving at 0700 tomorrow. It is on!

Grace says we forgot to go to the playground after two days or rain.
Ella says watch out for a head-but.
Lisa says she needs a larger basting pan. I agreed she could mail order a turkey to test our skills before Thanksgiving. There was a mix up in the size so all the drinks are out of the refrigerator.......


Quick note

Someone asked me for my address which is on the left side bar. That reminds me, I don't know who is looking at this site but you are. Be encouraged!

I write briefly tonight to give glory to God. After receiving some challenging news that our language budget has been greatly reduced Lisa and I have remained positive. We are grateful for every opportunity to speak and learn Czech. You can pray for mental capacity improvements!

The family is ready for the weekend and some fellowship opportunities. Tonight, we saw a bear on a motor cycle. That's right, even in the Czech Republic the circus comes to town.

Grace continually said, "I don't know what is going to come next."
Ella was into the music and danced in moms arms. The tune is in my head too.
Lisa heard English spoken by one of the performers.
I am glad to be here and look forward to showing it is true with those I see tomorrow.



Lisa has that creeping feeling of numbness in her scalp that started the whole process a month ago. She will be asking the doctors about experimenting with dosage of the prescribed medicine to see if it can be relieved.

Grace has stayed in bed with no discipline for two nights. It is encouraging to see her make good decisions and obey.

Ella is fighting to get over a cold. Dad’s time in the metro everyday may be partly to blame so I will be more diligent to wash up when I get home.

I am interested to see what the foreign police have to say. We have a package waiting at customs. This is a first. Then a letter comes saying we need to see the police. They visited in Olomouc with no surprises so it may be more of the same? Finally, the pictures of my little champions who just finished the run for life a week or so ago.

IMG_6651 IMG_6652 IMG_6659 I beat you to it Lisa!

Grace is 3!!!

...or as they would say here, "Grace has 3 years." I can't believe she has already been with us for this long and yet, there is a whole lifetime before us! So much has changed in her short life and I am so grateful that God has made her such an adaptable little person. We went from thinking we would live in Chattanooga, TN forever to 2 wonderful years in Montana and then on to Olomouc for a brief time before settling in Prague (where we hope to be for the next several years, at least!). Grace is so much fun right now and incredibly inquisitive. She wakes up each morning in the BEST mood with a big smile on her face, ready for a new day and whatever fun it might bring. She wants to help with everything from laundry (even hanging clothes on the line) to cooking to vacuuming. And, of course, she wants to be the mommy to Ella - telling her what not to do all the time. Now she has her own baby which she received for her birthday! A few weeks before the big day, I asked Grace what kind of birthday cake she wanted. She thought for just a minute, then said "An M&M cake!" Every few days or so over the next couple of weeks I asked her about the cake just to make sure she knew what she wanted and the reponse never changed, never even waivered! We then talked about her party and she said she wanted "M&M's everywhere!" So, we had a great time trying to be creative and below are a few pictures of the successful and beloved M&M party, as well as a couple from the previous morning.


Everyone wants to know how Lisa is feeling

Lisa feels better than anyone lately. The girls and I have been struggling with a cold. Lisa outdid herself with the birthday party for Grace. We had many cookies and a double cake plus home-made decorations and fun games. Many friends were here to celebrate over the weekend. In addition, we had a great new couple of friends for dinner on Friday. There are many new developments in the ministry that I will share this next week. Thank you for praying for us. Lisa has shown no continued signs of the disease. She is blessed and we are blessed to be with her.


Language and More

The last week provided great strides toward learning the language. Even Grace is speaking more Czech thanks to Irena being around more. God has reminded me that he specifically called us to this country. Colleagues are all over the world in the same fight but this is our post. Challenges continue in the same vein we have experienced. The computer functionality continually prevents me from keeping up to date!

Lisa is still feeling stronger all the time. She has spent some time with coworkers lately working to build on one another’s relationships. We have ridden bicycles together with the girls on the back to build strength.

Grace and Ella both participated in their first officially sponsored run. They are both loving the arrangement of play time every morning.

I am excited for another week of classes. Pray for the participants. Anke, Natalie, Devon, E, Jana, and Marushka


A New Season

Summer is officially over in more ways than one. Not only did children all over the country return to school on Sept. 1, but the temperature dropped at least 20 degrees this week and it looks like that change might stick around. We definitely need to unpack our fall/winter clothes!

My medical status remains the same - I am feeling great and continue to wait on the next steps. Right now, the doctors here and the doctors in the States do not agree as they have different qualifications for diagnosing MS. So, I continue to take a small dosage of medication for the symptoms and work toward getting plenty of rest and trying to keep the stress level low while we wait. I've also cut out all artificial sweeteners as I've heard from a couple of sources that could also help. I am humbled and incredibly grateful for the many prayers lifted on our behalf. God has His hand in this and we pray that our actions/reactions would serve to glorify Him in all situations.

Philip and I both start back with our language lessons on Monday. After 7 weeks off after the move to Prague, our brains are probably in for a shock! We will be going different places at the same time so the girls will have a babysitter here at home. Our new babysitter, Irena, was here last Thursday to get to know the girls and for us to see how things would work out. The Lord has provided a wonderful woman whom we feel comfortable with and we praise God that Ella seemed to like her as well. Ella's adjustment has been our main concern as Grace immediately loves anyone who is here to play with her. Ella, however, has not been away from us much since we moved here 8 months ago. Most times that we have been apart have not gone smoothly for Ella or her babysitter (except for her times with Mimi & Papa a couple of weeks ago)! Monday and Tuesday of this week, I will be able to be home for part of the time so that the girls have a slow transition from no childcare to 4 hours a day. Please pray that the transition will continue to go smoothly and that our interaction with Irena will grow from mainly professional to friendship quickly.


Bennetts in Prague

It has been a huge blessing to visit with my parents in our city.

prague city tour 060 

Ella is in the stroller.

Lisa is feeling so much better. She has found that it is key to get as much time laying down at night as possible. This makes her feel like moving around more than she has in weeks. Doctors say the medicine is working on headaches and the numbness, which is decreasing, should stay more mild. There is a follow up next week.

Thank you to all the friends and family sending love gifts. We have been able to share this with many colleagues. There are many souvenirs already packed for the return trip!


More medical and family activity

Lisa returned to the Canadian Clinic where she first visited to see about the problems with neurological responses. A new doctor saw her and wanted to move forward with the initial diagnoses. Lisa was thrilled to have the situation explained more thoroughly than ever before. More rest was prescribed to tend to the headaches while a specialist was recommended for treatment of MS.  If the scans come back showing some problem other than MS, Lisa is instructed to cancel with the specialists who work in Prague and have a long waiting list of patients. She is comfortable on the couch. Ate dinner lying down and plans to sleep in tomorrow!

Grace had a two hour nap before lunch today! Early morning with Dad are starting to show some wear on the system. She was sweet on the Metro and helped me take care of business in the city. People get a kick out of hearing her ask, “is this our stop, is this stodůlky?”

Ella has a new bruise or two on the fact because this flat has a bit of tile flooring. She looks like a prize fighter because her teeth are big and she is always in recovery.


I had an opportunity to drive for the first time in almost a year and really enjoyed myself. It is great to become familiar with getting around by car for the occasion when teams come from the states. The next group comes into the city in September after a one day event for two students who are passing through on the way to an English camp.


Good Medical News

Lisa : Went to bed with a headache and woke up without one! She plans to drink 2 L of Coke Zero today on the advice of a doctor.

Grace : Helped me tour a friend around the capitol. She is the only 2 year old I know who can go walking for 5 hours! She is excited to go to the airport with me today as we plan for our family’s arrival. Quote from yesterday as we were looking for a restaurant that would serve us in the rain, “This isn’t working!”. This after finding closed signs in many windows.

Ella : Took a jump from the windowsill. I caught her so she didn’t seem to mind;)

Philip : So nice to have a friend visit from Olomouc. We visited a medieval town and made some new friends. I then showed him my favorite parts of the city so far with Grace. I am glad to see Lisa upright but insisting she rest today.



Somehow Lisa was able to get up at 0330 and help with Grace going to the toilet and Ella having a little scream fit. This is common at night but I have been in charge. The morning has begun more rested and ready to servce for us all. It is back to rest for Lisa. Ella is doing her climbing. Grace is running and asking Why. I am working on some email and thankful for those who continue to write in support.


BTW Keeping up with Grace has video

from Philip

All that has been going on since the move has been hard to keep up with. Lisa has been out of commission because of her condition and I am swamped. If you are not in the loop, forgive me, send an email and I can catch you up. Someone wrote that this was the refining fire and I agree. Many things have been allowed that I, Philip, have not been prepared for.

The challenge of language learning, life abroad, few friends, and a big change in day to day work responsibilities in addition to medical updates.

Our blog began to reflect on the Grace that comes from knowing Christ and to keep an eye on Grace Bennett. I want to add Lisa’s condition and try to keep up with Ella too. Plus, you have got to know who is providing the strength to carry on. Heavenly Father!

Lisa : Another trip to the doctor to check on the remedy for her headache was made possible in a friends car. Lisa received some extra pain meds and was told that the headaches could last another week totaling two from the time of her spinal procedure. She returned from her first trip out of the house since leaving the hospital exhausted with an appointment to return Thursday. She must continue to stay hydrated and rest.

Ella : She is harder and harder to keep up with trying to walk by cruising everywhere and standing on her own! I continually rearrange furniture to make it impossible for her to find cat like positions elevated from the floor. Her new perch today was a window sill. How? From the floor to a chair, next a table and then a climb! You can pray for peace because I know she is experiencing tension with Dad alone!

Grace : We had a nice bike ride continuing to find our way around the city while the other girls slept. Grace helps me make friends with the shop keepers when she insists on paying or by wearing her bike helmet in the store. Today she took my donuts and gave them to her mother and Ella!

Philip : I am looking forward to having some help at home. My parents will make a visit at the end of the week.


Quick Update...

Our colleague had her healthy baby Friday, late afternoon and her husband made it back from out of town with plenty of time to spare before the birth! Thank you for your prayers and we ask that you continue to lift this family up as they adjust to life with a newborn.

I am posting from Starbucks after closing time so this one is also quick!



We made the move complete. Ella slept through the whole process. Nice, go to sleep with an empty flat and wake up to a complete job. Lisa was a huge help getting things set up. Grace played with a friend and we all had dinner together.

They slept in the same room (Grace and Ella). It worked! Thanks for the prayers. I will post a wish list. Thank you for asking.

Vicki, Lisa got a flower pot, dinner, and a date for Mother's Day. I forgot to mention it.

We have a teammate on her way to the hospital to deliver so pray for safety. I am in the office to catch internet only temporarily. More to come.


Moving Day

Thank you for remembering to pray for the family and the team planning to move. The first day went well. Everything except what was needed for tonight is in boxes. Sitting on the floor, Lisa and I are reminded of the three months we spent with no furniture and are grateful God has provided so many comforts in our home. One comfort is the communication we enjoy posting here and hearing from readers. Tomorrow, the plug will be pulled for at least a week. Internet and telephone will hopefully start again soon!

The family will have many opportunities to get out and explore our new city before I write again. God has already shown that He is the great planner by allowing me to meet two neighboring families in the new building. There are thousands more that we have yet to see!

Prague does have Starbucks and there are plenty of wifi hotspots so I plan to get our a newsletter about the month. Look for pictures to come from the capital of our country!


Special Dinner

McCormicks taco seasoning on ground beef plus velveeta and rotel for a topping made a great taco salad. No, you cannot buy these things in the Czech Republic!

A friend who is also feeling a little homeless came for dinner with the family tonight. This last week of language has been eventful. It is hard to think we have will no longer study in our town. We had a special time with our second teacher who seemed to shake things up with some excellent learning techniques we can use on our own.

Our conversation of spiritual things revealed an interest in Christianity. I was glad the conversation moved to what a Christian does on several occasions. Lisa and I presented the teacher with a Bible that she asked us to inscribe. Pray that the Word of God will penetrate her heart like nothing I could say ever will.


Working Video

I tried for too long to get a simple slideshow posted without youtube. No success. When finally youtube allowed the "video" I forgot to make it public. Things should be working now. See below:

Tomorrow is the last day of language before the move. Things continue to change for us here. We are holding up well together. There is cake in the refridgerator.


Ella has one year!

The last year has gone by quickly. I reminisced with Grace last night how she had spent the night with Malia in Montana while Mom and I went to the hospital. I then told Ella that she was Miss Belotable who stubbornly would not make her appearance for over 19 hours of Labor. We are thankful that she finally arrived in Montana. It is also good she turns 1 before the next move as she has already relocated 5 times!

Check out the highlights and write her a note. I hope the girls will both be encouraged by the blog as they get older. I know I am encouraged to hear from you.


Prayer and Praise Update

I traveled to Prague and picked up the keys to our new flat. The owner and I had a dinner and were able to discuss future plans to get together. This relationship is one that Lisa and I have looked forward to but were unable to enjoy in Olomouc because the owner lived out of town. Pray for Josef to be open to the gospel. He has no thought toward God.

You have seen the name Milan on the prayer list. I moved him to praise because I know God is at work. It is a huge thing to be invited to someone's cottage in this culture. Often, individuals escape the city to their retreat every weekend and spend time in the garden. Milan invited the family to his cottage when Grace and I visited in the hospital. Tonight, we had a dinner and enjoyed speaking Czech (only Czech!). Milan received a New Testament and encouragement from my family.

Also today: a visit to Sternberk 15km from Olomouc. It is a national holiday so we took in the sites by bike.


Language and Culture

We were traveling on Father's Day so I was late speaking to my Dad. I have jet to receive the cordless drill or ladder that I asked for either. Does Lisa read this?

Nothing special takes place in the Czech Republic on the third Sunday of June. Father's day is not on the calendar. One way that we see Europe is a picture of the US in 20 years is the absence of fathers. Women carry a large responsibility in every family here and it is atypical to find a male in his god given role as leader.

Please pray that my family will model effective relationships ordered after God's model of Christ leading His body. We enjoy our time together and learn daily how to interact.

Part of the trouble is learning to think in our new language. Father's day got me to thinking because it is not even easy to say. A little Czesky for you...
"Tatinek" is father ale ownership is formed with the genative case "tatinka." Whatever is owned comes first so "den" is day and the holiday would read "den tatinka."

As I said you can pray for us daily.


European Affinity Cluster

A new season has begun for IMB today, July 1st. I received a note from a collegue written at midnight with excitement regarding some changes. Nothing drastic will be affected. But the variations are worth mentioning so that you can pray with us.

The European Affinity cluster represents are large number of people all over the world who have a language and culture from Europe. Because the gospel is most effective in ones heart language, the affinity cluster has been created to focus on a group of people no matter where they live. I could possibly meet a Czech while living in America. You could too! Hopefully, you will be better prepared to discuss what Christ means to you in a significant way knowing what is happening here.

The new logo pictured above is a simple change that is intended to take the focus away from the organization that helps administer the support that you provide. Connecting is the central part of the title because it is our mission not to do the work of mission but to be a part of The Great Commission which we are all called to obey!

I love the scripture that was included by my friend to encourage me. Be blessed today.

“Do not call to mind the former things, Or ponder things of the past. Behold, I will do something new.”

(Isaiah 43:18-19a)


English spoken here - Greece!

A highlight of the trip to Athens was a divine appointment on the acroplois. This photo was taken by a young man named Jimmy. He is working in London but carries a US passport.

It was great to talk together about what Christ did for us at Calvary. Jimmy easily recognized his sinfulness and heard the gospel. It has been hard to be where so few know my language.

The girls had a great time but it was hot. We only stayed on the top for a little while but it was great to see Mars Hill where the gospel was preached. I am thankful we serve a God with an eternal kingdom. Many buildings still stood to the gods of mythology but to us it was just interesting history.


Hospital Visitation

Grace was able to go with me to the Olomouc Hospital where I have made a fiend named Milan. My stopping in began when a comrade from Malazia named Zhetto was put in a room with Milan. Both suffer from some skin ailments. I went to see Zhetto initially because he was on a diet of bread and cheese but the portions were insufficient. He is a college sophomore and always hungry. We visited over cheese and bread and both practiced our Czech with Milan. He speaks five languages but not one word of English!

We arrived at the subject of faith and Milan made it very clear that we are not of like mind. I explained that our Christian faith had brought Zhetto and I together as we are both in the Bible discussion group. I hoped that the service done in the name of Christ for a brother in Christ would show what brotherly love is for brothers in Christ.

Zhetto wrote and said that he would get out of the hospital yesterday but that I must visit Milan or at least give him a call. This old man had plenty of visitors, some in person and some by phone. Apparently all heard about the American who came to visit. That's me!

Grace was excited to go on a bike ride and, "make the man feel better." We visited for only an hour but the whole place was brighter as we brought the love of Christ to an especially sick population. Milan invited my family to his home when he gets out of the hospital and we are back from our upcoming travel. I seek your prayer that his heart could be softened before he departs this world.


Hold All Mail

Apartment hunting was successful! So, any packages with a destination of the Czech Republic (to us!) can be held. I know you have many things that you want us to have, but we can wait :)

This week a team of Americans ventured to Olomouc. They refer to themselves as Texans! (You guys are great!) Everything went smoothly and they are off to see Prague and London. They didn't leave before delivering to us some wonderful gifts including Velveeta cheese (2 lbs.), Rotel (4 lbs.), and Texas t-shirts (priceless)!

Thank you everyone who continues to pray for us and this outreach! God is at work!



Prague 5

Anyone watching house hunters should know we are looking in the Prague 5 area. This includes several "neighborhoods" to the West of the river at the end of the Metro lines.

I have appointments to look at four locations between Thursday and Friday evening!

Thanks to Ryan and the Vine for keeping us before the Lord.



The sun does shine in Prague. This is good news for any team that may be thinking of an outreach in the Czech Republic. The class is going splendidly in the Old Testament. Thank you SBTS for sending Dr. Wayne Garrett to teach while I am here.

The search for an apartment continues. I am having to work on Czech some through email as agents continue to look for the flat that is to be our home. I visited with the team mates who are here and got a look at where ministry meets the street. You don't have to go far.

Thank you for praying with us. Also, thank you to those who responded to the newsletter. It is encouraging to know you are still there in the USA and beyond. Budget challenges are affecting our business just like everywhere. Please remember to pray that the work of the Lord will be funded to continue!


Kris and Becky

Thank you for adding your picture to the blog. It is sure to have new traffic.

Did everyone notice "The Kris" is a follower. For market trends and analysis just click the picture to the left;)



The Search

Tomorrow we are all going to Prague to look at an apartment, then we will spend the weekend looking around the city before the girls and I head back home. Philip will stay in Prague for an OT survey course ALL week. Thankfully, we are blessed with excellent colleagues here who are willing to keep the girls some next week so I can get in some language lessons. Quick update, but wanted to let you all know a few prayer requests before tomorrow...

1. that the apt. will fit our needs - ministry and family
2. for our time speaking with the realtor
3. that all would go smoothly on my train ride home alone with the girls
4. for Philip as he studies/learns/takes tests next week

Thank you for praying with us!!!



This time in our lives is full of unknowns, new and interesting challenges and basically just learning to be flexible! I won't go into a everything, but wanted to share a few events from today (in order)...

While on the phone trying to set up an appointment with a realty (reality in CZ) company to look at apartments in Prague this weekend, I was informed that e-mail was really the best way to contact their company...I did that yesterday...they still haven't responded :)

In the short time we have between Philip arriving home for Czech lessons and me leaving, poor Philip accidentally broke a window while trying to open it! So, we had to clean up all the broken glass from the living room carpet...thankfully, the girls were in the kitchen eating lunch when it happened AND it is a double pane window and only the inside glass broke :)

And a fun praise - we downloaded an English/Czech dictionary to my cell phone today!!! Philip got it on his phone last week and thinks it is about the best thing since sliced bread...oh wait, he prefers unsliced, Czech bread these days...oh well, just saying he REALLY enjoys it :)

Lastly, I was able to enjoy another fun night of volleyball at the gym and meet another new girl who is studying at the university in town. A huge praise is that I exchanged phone numbers with a girl last week after the games who wants to meet next week sometime. Please pray that the timing will work out for us to get together!



We are beginning another full week of language. God has been faithful to provide some new contacts that need follow up this week. Please pray that SMS will be effective and plans will be upheld as we seek to meet with and speak to new people.

The May update will arrive this week!


Wow - a whole month!

We can't believe it has already been a month since our last post! A lot has gone on during these last few weeks, within our ministry and our family. We have been learning about this half of the country, called Moravia, through a couple of visits to nearby towns, each about 40 minutes away by train. We toured palaces, ate lunch at local restaurants and just walked around seeing how people live life. We have also enjoyed getting to talk with some of our neighbors more and work on developing those relationships. 

I, Lisa, had the wonderful opportunity to attend a ladies' retreat in Krakow 2 weekends ago. It was such an incredible time of being fed spiritually without the distractions of normal life here, being pampered with American treats, and meeting fellow workers in Central Europe! I am so grateful to my sweet husband for being willing to watch both girls by himself for 4 days. They had a great time being hauled all over town and playing with their daddy!

Ella is 10 months old already! Again, I can't believe how quickly time is passing by. She is such a joy and has the sweetest smile. One of my favorites is when she flashes a big, toothy grin then bats those long eyelashes while turning her head away, pretending to be bashful.

Grace is picking up Czech words and short phrases and loves using them whenever possible - it's so amazing to watch her! She greets our neighbors and is enjoying the interaction she gets at preschool a couple of hours a week. Grace also still loves to read her books - sometimes we read, sometimes she "reads" to us, and other times she wants to read one book while we read another (out loud, of course!). She truly enjoys life, which makes up for all the strong-willed moments we deal with regularly :)


Easter - Jesus is alive!

John 20:28 "Thomas responded to Him, 'My Lord and my God!' Jesus said, 'Because you have seen me, you have believed. Those who believe without seeing are blessed.'"

As we celebrate this Easter the fact that Jesus is alive, we know that we are blessed. Our Lord and Savior, who died to pay for our sins, conquered death to resurrect Himself and He continues to live today. We are blessed because we will never taste death in the eternal sense or possibly the literal sense either! We are blessed to be able to focus our lives on sharing the Gospel with others. We are blessed to be able to call most of our family believers, followers of Jesus. Just last week, we were blessed to receive long-term work visas that will allow us to remain in the country for the next 2 years without issue. Praise the Lord!

Our prayer today and for this Easter weekend is that our Lord would make Himself evident to every nation, tribe and tongue - that He would open the hearts and minds of those around us to call on Him, that we would be sensitive to His leading as we seek to share the Gospel, and that every believer who reads this would share the Truth with someone they know.


Woodland Park Baptist Church

Wow! Only 11 days after a package from the states was post marked from Chattanooga, TN, it arrived on my doorstep in Olomouc, CZ. The Vine Fellowship of Woodland Park Baptist Church in Chattanooga who support us in prayer and with communication have raised the bar for international packages. Thank you!

It was such a nice day to be surprised by the post man ringing our bell. I expected a note in the box but he was kind enough to invite me down to the street for a signature and receipt of the package. Grace is thrilled to see all the candy that was sent. Lisa immediately got the dish towels in the wash so they can be used. Additionally, the magazines are well received. We have already begun to eat the Frito's and Goldfish. The goldfish are Ella's first!

Even I will be reading about how to have "Good Housekeeping" and Grace and I worked through some of the games in "Highlights". The most exciting for me are the New Testaments that were sent. This is a tremendous blessing to me. I look forward to passing it along as soon as possible. The crayon picture with stickers will soon adorn the walls of Grace's room. This is special. Finally, I must clean up several items with our magic erasers.

In the same way that I wrote about HFB and BBC I write about WPBC. We are blessed to know that you love us and lift up your voice in prayer. Again today, I had an opportunity to share the truth from the Scripture on some hard territory. It is easy to get down when individuals will use any idea that contradicts scripture. The gifts that have been sent really lift my spirits. Telling you all that we love you and thank you is a highlight for the day as well!


Uncle John and Bellevue Baptist Church

From Drop Box

John is just one of many from Bellevue Baptist Church in Memphis that I know lift up me and my family. Thank you for continuing to remember us in the Czech Republic.


Hixson First Baptist

Lisa was excited to receive some communication following the March Newsletter. It is a part of our call to connect the churches of the SBC to the Great Commission work that is taking place in our part of the world. We were unable to meet with HFB before leaving the states but it is encouraging to know that you are praying for us.

God is faithful to us everyday. This week is full of language learning and the challenges of acculturation. We have never doubted that this is the place that the Lord has called us to serve in. We serve a risen Savior. Looking forward to Easter...



25 Celcius our warmest day yet!

We now have two days of evidence that Olomouc is under the same sky we remember from the states. The stars are out! There has been no cloud cover and beautiful weather for two days in our city. I met an interesting American in the park yesterday and had an opportunity to discuss my faith and share the hope I have in Christ. Fellow teammates were also successsful initiating conversations with those out to enjoy the weather. Pray that hearts would be drawn to God. Follow up is necessary!
Grace has been a little ill for the past two days. Her spirits are high and she is more sweet than ever when she doesn't feel well but her energy is down and she is resting more.

Lisa and I are thankful for the fellowship of our team today. We were able to enjoy Saturday interacting with our extended family. Tomorrow will be an even better opportunity. Our group will celbrate Easter early with some children from the Czech Republic. The girls are excited.

I have many shots to share from Vienna that are yet to come. No, Ella did not really drink my espresso.


Beginning April

Welcome Duramites! ( our newest followers) 

April is off to a quick start for us. Language continues to go well as we take the opportunity to practice and train daily. Our friends form Montana enjoyed Olomouc and it was the cheapest city on their European tour thus far. Staying in our flat for free plus a great dinner out and cheap snacks for the train totaled about $2o. Do be aware when you come, however, they were kicked off the train from Prague because an incorrect ticket had been purchased. This situation added to the total cost of the trip but in time another train was available and all was well. Pray for the International Messengers Mission Agency they represent. This group is hosting a meeting close by.

God is constantly revealing himself in even the small things. A call came to my cell regarding four chairs that had been ordered from a local store. I was sitting with my language coach who was able to coordinate the deliver with no charge. This was just in time for our guests to relax and enjoy this flat even more. I will be stoping by to thank the man that helped us order the chairs. He speaks little English but we are on speaking terms that will allow me to build on the relationship.

I shared Christ with a man on the street several weeks ago who professed Christ. His life is much different than yours or mine traveling the world but having no place he calls home. Interestingly, I saw him at the train station in Olomouc heading to France this week. We spoke as friends and he shared that his life is different because Jesus is alive! I asked him to be faithful to share in the Czech language since I am still unable. He was a blessing to send out.



The Lewis' have arrived in Olomouc! We visited in Vienna pictured here and then they were on to Prague. Now we will tour our city and take in some sights. 


Anniversary Celebration

We are out the door to celebrate six years married. Two new posts went in out of order. I will get back on track. Several funny things have taken place that I neglected to write. Lisa, Ella and I go to Vienna by train to meet some friends from Montana. Pictures to come. Pray for safety in travel and opportunities in ministry. Thank you.


February Newsletter

February Newsletter

It is on the way this weekend. See post below about the malfunction that has us delayed


Even the animals speak Czech!

I had an interesting discussion with my language teacher Jitka. She tried to give me a clue so that I would answer a question correctly during the lesson by making an animal noise. The answer was beef so she said "Boo". I missed the question but asked why she made a noise like a ghost. The following list of animal noises was then discussed with great laughter. I chalk this up to language and cultural acquisition.

A dog says "haf,haf";

pig: chroch, chroch 
(similar to the noise you make in your nose to imitate a pig)
hen: kokoda
rooster: kykyiky
horse: hi,hi
donkey: hýka

These are the "official noises" of animals in the Czech Republic. Official because there are verbs created from each noise that are recorded as the language. Ex. Pigs chrochta! Rozomiš?


Eight months with Ella

She is happy to be alive and we are happy to celebrate eight months with Ella. She currently has a fifth tooth on the way in and a cold as well. Pray that she will bounce back to the lively little girl you see here.

Furniture Arrives

We are grateful to be sitting up off the floor and able to look at each other when we talk. I was only home for the firts part of the delivery but Grace says that two men just brought the furniture pictured for us to have. Really though, it has been on order since the first week of our arrival. We are blessed



The bar has been set for packages to the Czech Republic! Packages will arrive if you send them;)

Thank you.
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Malfunction Corrected

It was snowing on the night that Grace and I set out for Bible study across town on the school bus as Grace likes to say. Really though, we were looking for number 14 I think. This was our first opportunity to go to another area of the city on a bus that was up until now unknown.

The timing was right. It would take approximately 30 minutes to navigate our way in and through the city until we reached our destination. I knew the name of the stop as well. We left the house together headed for Náměstí Hrdinů where the bus has often taken us for shopping or sightseeing. I also expected to see my friend Steve on the bus to help us once our destination was reached.

Grace and I were excited to go! We crossed the street and waited patiently for our transport. Grace exclaimed, "a school bus!", as the object came to the stop across the street. I explained that we were waiting for a bus going the other way as I noticed that the number on the front sounded familiar....

The bus pulled away as I thought to look at the schedule posted at the stop where we waited. This investigation proved that Grace had in fact spotted the correct bus and I had us waiting on the wrong side of the street. I don't know about Steve but I have a feeling he waved to us from inside the bus as it left. This was February 22nd.

Grace was so disappointed by my suggestion we go home that I decided we would board a tram and ride to Tesco for a look around. After all, the snow was nice and she had waited patiently as her father let our ride come and go. We bought a wooden puzzle that night but more importantly, I felt impressed that we should have a backup for the computer at home. I bought a 500gb hard drive convinced that the trouble I had experienced on the PC was soon to end in disaster.

That night, we returned home and worked a puzzle together. Grace likes it;) I also got the data from our machine onto the hard drive. February 23rd, the Dell died.

The Title of the post: Malfunction Corrected indicates what we so often have experienced in the Czech republic. Like Joseph recognized of his brothers in the Old Testament, "What was meant for evil, the Lord meant for good." We continually cling to the promise as well that "All things work together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose."

It has been some time since the last post. You know this if you are following;)
But, with all that said, the post date below has been set to the fateful night when God provided a way to protect years of email and phone numbers for the day when we return stateside and need lodging. We are grateful!


Libby Baptist Church Missions Sunday

The video shows a few highlights of our time from September to January. More info from Olomouc will be made available soon! We want you all to know that we miss the family in Libby and pray for you. Thank you for taking the time to post our information on the buletin board and lift us up.

We are excited to continue our partnership as you reach out to the Ukraine! Praise the Lord. We now have internet access at home and would love to hear from you.

Here is our post address:

trida spojencu 25B
772 00 Olomouc
Czech Republic

Restaurant Story

Natasha took the picture for us. She has really done well to pick up the Czech language so we were blessed to have her along. She interpreted the menu well enough for everyone to get something delious to eat with few surprises. There were some questions because she read one dish included "necks" and one "knees". I questioned this accuracy but steared clear to be on the safe side.

We ate so well that another request for menus was made to look over the dessert menu. The assistant smiled an brought the angliky menu: IN ENGLISH!

Not only were we able to get great dessert but confirmed that there were in fact chicken necks and pig knuckles on the menu. We will be back!


Hortz Restaurant

Celebrate good times!

It has only been a couple days since being on my own site but the change is remarkable. I am seeing the cluster map for the first time. Tell me if you recognize your dot.

There are also a number of new followers. Welcome! Thank you for investing your time to take a look at what the Lord is doing through you and us together in the Czech Republic. Take the opportunity to write a comment any time you have a prayer request that can be shared with the group or let me know if it is private and be confident that the need will be lifted up.

Tonight, we celebrate in Moravia that the internet connection is up at home. We have a telephone and the ability to get an update out to the family. This is just in time of for mission conferences comming up. You know who you are. I look forward to seeing some more family on Skype soon.

I have some great stories to share that we have experienced over the last few days and week but have to get in some Czech homework for class tomorrow. Snow continues to fall all over the Czech Republic and we are loving it. Our contact information has been updated on our profile if you have opportunity to write. Thank you to the group at Bellevue Baptist who sent our first post card.


Visa applications submitted!

Philip made it to Berlin and back in a day - wow! He had an appointment at the Czech embassy there to sign a form, then had about 3 hours to sightsee. Thankfully, they allowed me to have a form notarized here in town that Philip took for me. This meant we didn't have to haul the girls on a very long, all day trip! Thank you to everyone who prayed for Philip's travels yesterday. We appreciate you all greatly!



I got online but had to order a delicious espresso to do it.

Thanks for your patience as we get setup here.IMG_4460


Week Two!

The past week proved to be busy again. We were able to get out with the girls and explore more of the city as well as do a little shopping on our own! We even toured the Archdiocesan Museum, a branch of the Olomouc Museum of Art located next to the St. Wenceslas cathedral. Grace enjoyed her first day at skolka (Czech preschool), which she will be attending one day a week when our team member is there teaching English. We are hoping that she will start to pick up some of the Czech language as she is around children who are speaking it. Our second full week here included two days of language lessons. Thankfully, we are starting out with many words that sound similar to English words as well as words that are useful at the grocery :)


Our Internet connection has now been ordered after jumping through some hoops. It will be possible to keep better up to date within a couple weeks if all goes according to plan.



Grace loves The Jungle Book. Welcome!
Welcome Smile at Ukraine if I haven't already told you.
Jon and Katie. Welcome and Congratulations.
JLawson it is a pleasure.


Language Learning

The title of the post is also the main prayer request. We have two lessons this week as we work to get the apartment more prepared for our living here. Praise the Lord! We now have beds to sleep on. This will make for some better rest.

Grace did fantastic on her first day of school. She enjoyed time out of the house. She is growing up fast. We now have one less size diapers to work with around the house.

Ella is also doing great. I am happy there are no jet lag tragedies to report.

Some families were not so fortunate.


Snow in Olomouc

It has snowed a little every day since our arrival but today was non stop. People carry umbrellas in the snow! The girls enjoyed getting out for a walk in the stroller. Lisa and I were taking in the sights.

Language learning with the tutor began today. This will be an awesome challenge without a double. Lisa and I have practiced tonight until we can each tell the other is not Czech.

Thank you everyone for your comments and emails responding to our safe trip.What an adventure. Many things were different than expected. Nothing beats getting from Prague to Olomouc. There was a van scheduled to haul Bennettoni (family) and luggage away from the airport but we packed that thing out like a sardine can. It took many phone calls and some shrewd business skills to finally cancel the driver (He was thrilled!) and get a company vehicle. Meanwhile, the team moved all the luggage onto the van, off the van, onto the street (whoops!), off the street, into the airport ( destination America?), out of the airport, onto the.....street, off the street, into the van and away we went.

We were seven hours getting to Olomouc from Prague. Check your prayer card. That is silly;) All in all, everyone traveled well for a total of 25 hours. It's a small world after all. We can be thankful for short layovers.

Lisa says she never knew you can put so many layers of clothes on one child:) Na Shledanou


We made it!

Praise God! We are in Olomouc.Email and web access are strictly limited at this time but I wanted to let the group know all is well. Pray for part of the group traveling.


Packing Up

What would it take to get everything into 12 suitcases? About a month to start. We are comming to the end of this process and feeling like it will go on forever. You may not be ready for this step. Just do the easy part and get a passport.

BreneBlog makes me want to keep the video recorder handy to watch Grace dance. That's the next post to the best of my ability....


WPBC and The Vine

Today was the last visit at our former home church for awhile. We welcome the new elders and were encouraged by the sermon from Mathew. Thanks David. I hope to look at the end of each day and recognize that my actions resemble those of the three boys in the fire.

Words can't express my gratitude for The Vine Fellowship. Today was a day to enjoy this family face to face and look ahead at 2009. Thanks for the questions to review with Lisa. We will get into it on the plane. Everyone needs to plug in for the lessons in January on Shepherding a Child's Heart. Lisa and I have felt greatly prepared for the task of parenting thanks to this book. Congratulations to all those about to give birth!

I will post a link to the resource list published on the Vine blog as soon as it's available.

All you others publishing your safe arrival, let the journey commence! God bless you!

Leslie we got the post. Thanks.


Day 2

I am going for a record number of posts in 2009. Day 2: We are making plans for travel as expected. God has provided for additional luggage allowance and all the bags we need to make this happen. Thank you Jason!

I was convicted after running some errands that I missed opportunities for outreach. The post office was closed so one person after another left in disgust because it seemed odd that no one was working on the second day of the year. Were you off?

I was armed with the knowledge that a closed post office or an unsuccessful trip is the new normal for those of us living abroad. Stories go on for days from folks who have left the post office with nothing but a tale to share of frustration. My attitude stayed positive but I wish I had encouraged others with the gospel. Lesson learned.

My conviction for missed opportunities led me to an outreach that many before me have used. Mammaw may be the best at sending an encouraging word through the post. So, I followed in her footsteps and let my light shine through some notes to friends and acquaintances. Let me know if you were blessed.

The strategy behind sharing our faith needs to be in place before too many more days go by in the new year! Pray that God will be glorified through opportunities taken advantage of.


Happy New Year

Ella is just as excited as I am! Happy New Year!
Chattanooga has been a tremendous blessing thus far. We are staying well in Hixson,TN for the start of the new year. The celebration of our family has continued for a week past Christmas. Great to see our great Uncle Tom and the Great Grandparents here.
Expect the best year of Mountainside-Grace to date. We will be following a number of blogs from other folks worldwide that you can checkout. Thank you for those who have signed up to follow us.
Thanks to the Vine Fellowship and our host for the New Year's Celebration. We rang it in with style.
