
All was quiet.....

Lisa said the house was quiet for one hour with only the sound of paper rustling occasionally. Grace and I were at school and Ella sat down to play with some craft supplies. Maybe she found the instructions for some winter wonderland. You are looking at 1 kg of flour. Ha.

Don't forget the daily Bible reading

Lisa and I are still on track with the NIV read through the Bible but it took a few days of focused effort to catch up this last week. Even with all the blog posts I still managed to finish during nap time! To God be the Glory! Really, HE did that.

Iva May
Questions on the reading for yesterday:
What evidences reveal that your view of God is too small?
Anxiety, prayerlessness, and scheming are all symptoms of a small view of God.

The prayer today is that you will hold me and the family to a Great Big view of God. Ella has put a stop to my uninterrupted time of study and correspondence. More to come.

First Saturday by Bike

The weather was incooperative on the first biweekly Saturday mountain bike trip but there were three participants. I am hoping to get to know students better as we have a chance to ride together. My friend Martin is helping organize the rides. Read more at the Young Life website.
Even if I was a fast rider, we still have pit-stops for flats like where there is time to talk. Pray for Marek to come to know Christ and more to be involved.

Race Results

It has apparently taken a month to recover from the race. That just means there have been no blog posts. Today, I am aiming to catch things up a bit. 1st. Total time was 1:49 for the half. That is a PR. It has to be. It was the first attempt.
It served as an outreach to one new friend living here. We had mile after mile to chat and become better friends. Lift up Hans and his family please.
